Earn Money with Link Sales

By Administrator on Sunday, July 05, 2009

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Do you have a PR(PageRank) site?
Don't know how to sell your links?

There is an opportunity for selling links on Backlinks.com

You will be paid the following monthly rates for text links. Rates are paid per month per text link.

PageRank (PR) 1 homepage $.50 , subpage $.50
PageRank (PR) 2 homepage $1 , subpage $1
PageRank (PR) 3 homepage $2 , subpage $1.50
PageRank (PR) 4 homepage $3 , subpage $2
PageRank (PR) 5 homepage $4.50 , subpage $3.50
PageRank (PR) 6 homepage $12.50 , subpage $10
PageRank (PR) 7 homepage $30 , subpage $25
PageRank (PR) 8 homepage $75 , subpage $50

Only available to your own domain, ie. www[dot]your-name[dot]com.
This opportunity not available to free blogs such as blogspot, wordpress etc.

Backlinks.com benefits :

1. You can sell the links on multiple pages, not only on the single page, so that we can enhance our earning by selling text links on a multiple-page!
2. Usually it only takes 1-2 days to sell your links on Backlinks.com.

So what are you waiting for, register your sites now.


Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Sudah punya blog yang berpagerank?
Mau link sales susah nemu buyer?
Harga yg ditawar buyer kemurahan?

Jangan putus asa dulu, ada peluang ok buat jualan link via Backlinks

Harga blog yang ber PR (PageRank), btw ini harga per bulan ya, bukan per tahun, ditransfer langsung ke paypal tiap awal bulan :
PageRank (PR) 1 homepage $0.50 , subpage $0.50
PageRank (PR) 2 homepage $1 , subpage $1
PageRank (PR) 3 homepage $2 , subpage $1.50
PageRank (PR) 4 homepage $3 , subpage $2
PageRank (PR) 5 homepage $4.50 , subpage $3.50
PageRank (PR) 6 homepage $12.50 , subpage $10
PageRank (PR) 7 homepage $30 , subpage $25
PageRank (PR) 8 homepage $75 , subpage $50

Peluang ini hanya untuk yang mempunyai domain sendiri, mis. www[dot]nama-anda[dot]com.
Kendalanya untuk domain gratisan/blog gratisan seperti : blogspot, wordpress dll belum bisa ikutan.

Kelebihan lain Backlinks.com adalah

1. Kita dapat menjual link di multiple pages, tidak hanya pada single page, sehingga kita dapat memperbanyak earning kita dengan menjual text-link pada multiple page !
2. Jika di TLA (text link ads), DP harus menunggu lama supaya link laku (uda mending thread ada yg reply he...), di Backlinks.com paling 1-2 hari saja sudah laku terjual.

Tunggu apalagi, buruan DAFTAR DISINI!

Langkah memasukkan php code backlinks pada blog engine wordpress

1. Daftarkan diri Anda di Backlinks jika belum memiliki account disana.
2. Masuk ke account backlinks Anda, kemudian klik “Add Link Page” seperti gambar dibawah.
3. Klik “Add Single Page”
4. Berikutnya, isi detail blog yang ingin Anda masukkan. Pada cetegory pilihlah menu “advertising”, Country biarkan “united states” dan pilih “Homepage” untuk link page type. Terakhir, check semua link categories yang mereka sediakan agar link Anda cepat terjual.
5. Langkah selanjutnya setelah selesai memasukkan blog Anda, kembali ke halaman “My Link Pages” kemudian klik menu “instalattion code“. Anda akan dibawa pada halaman seperti dibawah. Plihkah “wordpress blog” dan klik menu “instalation guide” untuk mengambil backlinks key dan download plugins backlinks
6. Selanjutnya, download plugin wordpress yang mereka sediakan, extract menggunakan winzip (karena format yg mereka sediakan adalah zip), lalu upload ke folder “plugin” via ftp. Jika sudah, Anda harus mengaktifkan plugins tersebut melalui dashboard blog Anda. Terakhir, masukkan “backlinks key” Anda.
7. Ini adalah langkah terakhir. Masuk ke dashboard blog, kemudian bukalah “design” dan “theme editor“, di bagian kanan, pilihlah sidebar.php, kemuadian klik. Pada halaman sidebar.php temukanlah code (lihat gambar dibawah). Nah, persis dibawah code tersebut, masukkan code php backlinks.
Jika sudah, tekan “update file” dan cobalah buka halaman situs Anda, jika Anda sudah bisa melihat ada tulisan “partner link“, maka Anda sudah sukses memasukkan code backlinks.

Good Luck!

* Yang mau nanya silahkan tinggalkan comment

Domain Alert - June 26, 2009

By Administrator on Friday, June 26, 2009

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Filed Under:

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 9
AllTheWeb : 1
DMOZ.org listed? - no

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 0
AllTheWeb : 0
DMOZ.org listed? - no

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 0
AllTheWeb : 0
DMOZ.org listed? - no

Looking for more completed PR list?
Visit Our Page Rank Domain List Services for details

Domain Alert - June 22, 2009

By Administrator on Monday, June 22, 2009

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Filed Under:

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 1
AllTheWeb : 1
DMOZ.org listed? - no

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 103
AllTheWeb : 101
DMOZ.org listed? - yes
Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: M: Mammoth Lakes: Business and Economy: Restaurants an...

Link Popularity
Yahoo : 259
AllTheWeb : 163
DMOZ.org listed? - no

Looking for more completed PR list?
Visit Our Page Rank Domain List Services for details

Increasing PageRank Fast

By Administrator on Monday, June 22, 2009

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"To make popular, and fast page rank means tell everyone regarding your website such as you are doing. Here's more ways to attract the traffic to your website with high page rank but more important thing is your site should have great services, great content, great keywords.

"You should have some good content and keywords which can help you to be more seo friendly.
Here's some techniques as well to boost traffic up., and high fast high page rank, Hope you find it useful!, Write something great about your niche and email other bloggers to, let them know – there’s a good chance they’ll link to you, Have a signature link in forums that points to your site, Post links to your pages to social bookmarking sites.

Add an RSS subscribe button/link in a high profile spot on your site
Add a mailing list subscribe form in a high profile spot on your site, Add a bookmark this site link in a high profile spot on your site

Use a Tell A Friend Script on your site so people can email their friend about an article on your website., Submit a blog to a blog directory, Buy links to your site, Buy reviews about your site on other people’s site, Buy banner space on other websites if you can get a good ROI
Send articles to ezine publishers with a link back to your website.

Do a big viral push for a piece of link bait, post it in forums, social bookmarking sites like digg, email bloggers, and get a few people to vote for you on social bookmarking sites – this little push could start a viral chain reaction!

Page Rank Domain List Services

By Administrator on Monday, June 22, 2009

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Many ways to make money from the internet, one of them is selling domains or links/blogrolls.
Every day over 20,000 domain names are abandoned and expire for whatever reason.
Many of these are domain names that had websites that were listed in: Alexa, Google Yahoo Directories, AllTheWeb, Altavista, Dmoz and many other valuable directories.

Thousands of Top Level Domain that have been created and forgotten, many with hundreds of backlinks pointing to them, and are abandoned every day just waiting for you to find them.

Registering a PageRank domain name is really exciting. We would all like to capture that exclusive domain that may be highly brandable or keyword-rich and/or with good PR. It's not quite as easy as it once was. Each week thousands of domain names expire and become available again. These expired domain names are names that were previously registered, but where the registration has not been renewed, or where the registrant has defaulted on payment. These unclaimed domain names are then repossessed and are made available for anyone to register again.
Many of such domains are already registered with search engines, have established back links, google page rank and traffic.
Buying such name you can either build your own website or you can just sell links on the page.

For example a single link/blogroll on a Google PR5 domain worth anything from $80 to $100 and more per year!
Imagine if you sell 10 links/blogrolls on your site, it worth up to $1,000/year.

To achieve a PR4/5/6/7 ranking is not easy and need a lot of effort and time.
If you have other websites that aren't developed or indexed, it's your chance to get indexed by all major search engines within days by simply adding a text link on such domain to your site.

The expired domain business is a very competitive, first-come-first-serve field. If a domain is listed in the yahoo or dmoz directory or has significant backlinks and/or PageRank, the difficulty in grabbing them before someone else increases significantly.

There are people on the internet that will always believe that the only way to make a buck is to cheat someone out of their money. The annonymity of the internet helps them conceal many things and one of those things is the true PR (PageRank) of a website. We should avoid this!

Unlike other similar services we do not sell you "Pending delete" or "Expired list". The domains are not free to register but all our domains will be available to buy on the following day.

Problems :
-You pay too much for a domain
-It's not easy to find the right domain (ie:PR3, PR 4 with affordable price)
-Spend a lot of time to search and verify a valid PR domain
-Could not win the auction
-Being scammed by the seller

Benefits from join this subscription
-There are usually from 5 and up to 40 domain with Google PageRank2 – PageRank5 domains on the list (deliver to you by email).

list example

-Many of them are old domains (5,10 or even 15 years old)
-Backlinks data included
-We will explain you where and how to buy the domains. Any domain from our list is really available to get the following day!

Our program is absolutely unique!
All this valuable and absolutely unique information you can have for $35.00 monthly payment.
Only One Well Established PageRank4 Domain per Month will pay for this Service!

If someone uses my service, I will not feature it here under Domain Alerts.

Subscription Terms (Promotion) :
-$10 for the first 7 days Trial Period,
-$35 for each month (it cost you only $1.16 a day).

This Special Offer applies only to the first 30 peoples, prices can rise at any time, so don't miss the chance.

Subscribe now!

*After you make a payment through paypal, please email me your email.

Outbound links

By Administrator on Monday, June 08, 2009

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Outbound links are a drain on a site's total PageRank. They leak PageRank. To counter the drain, try to ensure that the links are reciprocated. Because of the PageRank of the pages at each end of an external link, and the number of links out from those pages, reciprocal links can gain or lose PageRank. You need to take care when choosing where to exchange links.

When PageRank leaks from a site via a link to another site, all the pages in the internal link structure are affected. (This doesn't always show after just 1 iteration). The page that you link out from makes a difference to which pages suffer the most loss. Without a program to perform the calculations on specific link structures, it is difficult to decide on the right page to link out from, but the generalization is to link from the one with the lowest PageRank.

Many websites need to contain some outbound links that are nothing to do with PageRank. Unfortunately, all 'normal' outbound links leak PageRank. But there are 'abnormal' ways of linking to other sites that don't result in leaks. PageRank is leaked when Google recognizes a link to another site. The answer is to use links that Google doesn't recognize or count. These include form actions and links contained in javascript code.

Form actions
A form's 'action' attribute does not need to be the url of a form parsing script. It can point to any html page on any site. Try it.

To be really sneaky, the action attribute could be in some javascript code rather than in the form tag, and the javascript code could be loaded from a 'js' file stored in a directory that is barred to Google's spider by the robots.txt file.

Like the form action, it is sneaky to load the javascript code, which contains the urls, from a seperate 'js' file, and sneakier still if the file is stored in a directory that is barred to googlebot by the robots.txt file.

The "rel" attribute
As of 18th January 2005, Google, together with other search engines, is recognising a new attribute to the anchor tag. The attribute is "rel", and it is used as follows:-

The attribute tells Google to ignore the link completely. The link won't help the target page's PageRank, and it won't help its rankings. It is as though the link doesn't exist. With this attribute, there is no longer any need for javascript, forms, or any other method of hiding links from Google.

Inbound links

By Administrator on Monday, June 08, 2009

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Inbound links (links into the site from the outside) are one way to increase a site's total PageRank. The other is to add more pages. Where the links come from doesn't matter. Google recognizes that a webmaster has no control over other sites linking into a site, and so sites are not penalized because of where the links come from. There is an exception to this rule but it is rare and doesn't concern this article. It isn't something that a webmaster can accidentally do.

The linking page's PageRank is important, but so is the number of links going from that page. For instance, if you are the only link from a page that has a lowly PR2, you will receive an injection of 0.15 + 0.85(2/1) = 1.85 into your site, whereas a link from a PR8 page that has another 99 links from it will increase your site's PageRank by 0.15 + 0.85(7/100) = 0.2095. Clearly, the PR2 link is much better - or is it? See here for a probable reason why this is not the case.

Once the PageRank is injected into your site, the calculations are done again and each page's PageRank is changed. Depending on the internal link structure, some pages' PageRank is increased, some are unchanged but no pages lose any PageRank.

It is beneficial to have the inbound links coming to the pages to which you are channeling your PageRank. A PageRank injection to any other page will be spread around the site through the internal links. The important pages will receive an increase, but not as much of an increase as when they are linked to directly. The page that receives the inbound link, makes the biggest gain.

It is easy to think of our site as being a small, self-contained network of pages. When we do the PageRank calculations we are dealing with our small network. If we make a link to another site, we lose some of our network's PageRank, and if we receive a link, our network's PageRank is added to. But it isn't like that. For the PageRank calculations, there is only one network - every page that Google has in its index. Each iteration of the calculation is done on the entire network and not on individual websites.

Because the entire network is interlinked, and every link and every page plays its part in each iteration of the calculations, it is impossible for us to calculate the effect of inbound links to our site with any realistic accuracy.